Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas 2006

This is us last year (2006).

This is us this year (2007). We look approximately one year older.

Friday, December 14, 2007

persimmon on a grand

Today, December15, 2007 we received a grand piano from my great-aunt Alberta (Hunt) Nicholson. A sort of gift from the grave. She passed away 6 years ago. It sits in our dining room. That's right, we will no longer dine but be 'kitchen-eaters'. Is that akin to bottom-feeders? Oh well, it's totally worth it!

The persimmon is from our dear friends Andy and Ana Preto-Bay. I hadn't eaten one since we lived in the Bay Area in the late 80's. I was delighted the first time I tasted a persimmon at our friend Karen Rosenbaum's house in Kensington. Soon after I wanted to recreate that delicious experience and purchased some from Safeway on Solano. Once home, I quartered the orange-red fruit and took a bite with much anticipation and salivation. To my instantaneous and most unpleasant surprise all the saliva in my mouth vanished. There was not a slippery surface left. I was shocked. I later called Karen and asked her what had gone amiss. She laughed and said that I had purchased an unripe persimmon which is very astringent. No kidding!

Now I tell the story to my 2nd grade music students when I teach the song 'Shake that Tree do-o, do-o.....shake them 'simmons down'.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snowy Trees in OUr Back Yard

One of the reasons Susie loves this house.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My Paradoxical Hands

These are my hands. They are paradoxical because two of my biggest passions in life are playing keyboards (piano, organ) and playing basketball. While playing keyboards doesn't interfere with basketball, the reverse is not true. In the course of my BB career I have broken both little fingers (which I never had treated, hence their gnarled shape), and have sprained and/or dislocated all the others multiple times. I can't remove my wedding ring because my left finger is permanently swollen at the knuckle from repeated sprains. Once a guy swiped at a lose ball in my vicinity, dislocating my right index finger; it stuck out at a 90 degree angle towards my thumb at the second joint. I had to spend the rest of the day traveling around Utah to find someone to fix it. (Susie drove me, so it took the rest of her day, too.)

Last month the same thing happened to my right middle finger. A guy on the court said it would be better to get it re-set immediately before swelling set it, and that he had been studying physical therapy and was semi-qualified. So I let him do it. He did a great job. I was back swishing 25 foot jumpers within 5 minutes (kind of).